You are welcome here!
A Christus Victor, we are committed to worshiping God in ways that engage mind, body, and soul. We are a singing church! Our hymns are often traditional but supplemented with other styles, particularly when they reflect the scriptures and themes for a given Sunday. The liturgy and hymns change with the church seasons. People of many backgrounds will find something familiar, whether you grew up Lutheran, Baptist, Catholic, or something else entirely.
What to expect
We’re formal and informal. There is a sense of tradition blended with warmth, relevance, and openness. Our services consist of robes and processions; however, we have a relaxed environment where most folks dress casually. Some wear blue jeans and T-shirts while others prefer full suits. We recommend wearing what makes you feel most comfortable and ready to worship. In other words, we’re a high church with shorts!
Parking is available in front of the church. However, additional parking is available behind and to the west side of the church.
Before and After Service you will find a friendly chatter as people congregate. Every Sunday before the service, light refreshments are available in the Parish Hall. Every second Sunday, drinks, and snacks are available for fellowship after the service in the Parish Hall.
Sermons are relevant to contemporary issues and struggles. Though they engage our minds, a dose of humor or a down-to-earth example helps make ancient texts fresh for today. We also offer a weekly children’s sermon.
Music is a critical part of our worship. The congregation sings a mixture of traditional and global hymns. We also have a seasonal choir, a ladies’ harmonizing group, and a handbell choir. We invite anyone with an interest in choral singing or playing handbells to give us a try. So come join a choir and bring a friend!
Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday. Some folks drink from a common cup; others prefer intinction by dipping their wafer into a cup of wine; others drink from a communion cup. Gluten-free wafers and grape juice are available upon request. Those who cannot partake of either element (bread or wine) for health reasons may commune in one form. All are welcome at the Lord’s Table without exception, including children. A blessing is provided for infants/toddlers not yet communing or for adults who prefer that option.
Children are a vital part of our community and are welcome to fully participate in all aspects of worship. We understand they are wiggly and talkative - and we embrace it!! While we do not have a nursery, a cry room is located adjacent to the sanctuary. It is equipped with toys, rocking chairs, and a changing table. Changing facilities are also located in both the men’s and women’s restrooms. There are also opportunities for service as an acolyte, junior usher, or lector.